#1. 作者の性癖でえっちな本を作ってます。
#2. 作品内の女の子はお尻でのハードなえっちをとても喜んでいます。これは大事なことです。
#3. 歳の差を感じさせる女の子が多めです。
#4. 細かいことは気にせず雰囲気で楽しめる人向けです。
We sell erotic books with a butt ass theme.
[Anarushia's concept]
#1. The author creates erotic books based on his sexual preferences.
#2. The girls in the books enjoy hardcore anal sex. This is important.
#3. There are many girls who make you feel the age difference.
#4. The content is for you to enjoy the atmosphere without worrying about the details.